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May 21, 2021
Dale Waters ’10
I have fond memories of spending lunches and recesses in the music room. Sometimes, it would just be me practicing guitar; other times,...

May 21, 2021
Annie Wu ’01
One of my favorite moments at Calvert School was sitting with my class in the Luetkemeyer planetarium and observing closely. What was...

May 21, 2021
Josh Perry ’96
Some of my best memories of Calvert come from Mr. Z’s science class. He always had real-life experiments to show us the difference...

May 21, 2021
Betsey Swingle Hobelmann ’87
One of my fondest memories at Calvert was in 12-A (sixth grade). At the end of the school day, Mrs. Craig would sometimes read to us. I...

May 21, 2021
Lucy Liddell ’81
Having just had our 40th Calvert reunion, I was reminded of how exciting it was each year when it was our turn to do the clay project. It...
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